"You may have cancer", said WebMD

PLUS: This robot can pass US medical licensing exam 🤯

Good morning! 👋🏼

We will keep it short today! Amazing tools and no BS!

Let’s get to it! 🚀

Read time ~ 2 min

If you are new to Tech-O Tuesday, we are working on making this newsletter a weekly AI summary where we cut through the AI noise for you and share the most relevant updates and tools!

Exciting tools from this week 🌮

  • 👨🏾‍💻 Turn your data in quality content using AI (link)

  • 🤰🏼 AI powered assistant for pregnancy, birth and postpartum (link)

  • 🤯 This chatbot can pass US medical licensing exam (link)

  • 🤑 This is how rich are getting richer using AI (link)

  • 🧠 Dump all your files and chat with your new second brain (link)

  • 🤖 Train a robot in minutes to extract data from any website (link)

  • 👩🏽‍💻 Your co-pilot for AI research (link)

  • ✍🏼 English to shell commands (link)

  • 😳 No more scares from WebMD (link)

  • 📸 Create on brand content with AI (link)

😍 LOVE the feedback we have been getting lately! Let’s keep it going! 👇🏼

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