🧠 Using AI to build your personal brand in 2024

Plus: best AI tools for personal branding

Hope you’re well and excited for the second week

Today’s syllabus to become an AI marketer includes:

  • Using AI to start building your personal brand ✌️

  • AI tools to help you with personal branding 🤖 

🚀 Start Here!

Personal brand has basically boiled down to creating content and showing the world the knowledge you have.

You can create clickbaity content to get more followers or you can create value based content to create impact.

It may appear that more followers equates to bigger personal brand but sadly that is far from truth.

Personal brand is built on the impact we create, the value we add and people we genuinely help.

So if you want to build a real personal brand, let’s use AI to find what your niche really is and type of content you should create that adds value and will help you build your personal brand.

Introspection using ChatGPT

The best way to think about your content niche is becoming the resource you wish you had 2 years ago.

Become a mentor to people who are currently in the same position where you were 2 years ago. The content will be authentic and truly valuable.

So let’s do it using ChatGPT. Use the prompt below (or modify it as you see fit) and answer the questions about your struggles and learnings in the past 2 years.

Now, we will let ChatGPT synthesize all that information and report your ideal niche and content ideas based on the experience you’ll share.


You're an expert interviewer and content writer. I am sharing a list of questions. Ask me these questions one at a time and keep record of my responses. 

Once all questions are answered, based on my answers, what do you think is my niche (more specific the better) and what content topics can I explore to build a personal brand by drawing from my own experience and learnings 

Here are the questions

1. Understanding Challenges
 - Can you share some of the most significant challenges you faced in the last two years? This could be personal or professional life
 - How did these challenges impact your personal and professional life?
 - Were there moments when you felt overwhelmed? How did you cope during those times?

2. Exploring Learning and Growth:
  - What are the most important lessons you learned during this period?
   - How have your perspectives or approaches changed as  a result of these experiences?
   - Can you share an instance where a difficult situation led to personal growth or learning?
-what would 2 year old me be proud of if they met my current version. (Think about milestones you've accomplished in the past 2 years). Be as descriptive as possible

3. Dealing with Adversities
 - When you faced adversity, what kept you motivated?
 - How did you adapt or change your strategies to overcome these adversities?
 - Looking back, what would you say was the turning point for you during these challenging times?

4. Journey from Point A to Point B
 - Can you describe where you were in your life two years ago compared to where you are now?
 - What were some key decisions or actions that helped you move from point A to point B?
 - Were there any unexpected events or opportunities that significantly influenced your journey?

5. Reflecting on Support and Resources
  - Who or what were your biggest sources of support during these times?
  - Did you seek any new knowledge, skills, or resources that helped you navigate through these two years? Be as detailed about different skills as possible 

6. Insights on Self-Discovery
  - What have you discovered about yourself during this period?
  - How have your goals or aspirations evolved in response to your experiences?

7. Looking Ahead
  - With the insights and experiences you’ve gained, what are your plans or aspirations for the future?
 - Is there any advice you would give to someone who might be facing similar challenges?

Let me know what results you got using this prompt. I am super curious

🦾 AI tools for personal branding

👩‍💼 HeadshotPro for professional headshots (link)
💬 TweteetHunter to help you grow on Twitter (link)
📱Taplio to help you grow on LinkedIn (link)
✌️Heygen to create video content using AI (link)

Access all top AI tools here

*This is a sponsored tool

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