Top 3 GPTs to save 10+ hours every week

Put content marketing on autopilot!

You've Got a Goldmine Sitting in Your ChatGPT Account... And It's Time to Dig Deep!

Ever felt like your ChatGPT could do more? Well, guess what... it can! Introducing GPTs - your ticket to supercharging your ChatGPT experience.

Think of GPTs as... specialized AI consultants, ready to tackle any topic you throw at them. It's like having an expert in your pocket, 24/7.

Quick Recap:

  • Tailor-Made Expertise: Each GPT is a master of its domain. Whatever your question, there's a GPT for that.

  • Instant Access for ChatGPT Plus Users: Got ChatGPT Plus? Then you've got a free all-access pass to every GPT in the store.

  • Build Your Own GPT: Got a unique challenge? I'll show you how to build a GPT that's perfectly suited to your needs.

And here's the Latest Scoop...

You can now call a GPT by tagging a GPT in your prompt, just like you'd tag a colleague on Slack. It's that easy.

Calling any GPT using @ (Available to ChatGPT Plus users only)

Time to reveal my top 3 used GPTs in January

I have tried all different versions of these GPTs and these 3 are my top picks that I have pinned and use every week!

1. Killer Email Copy GPT

Ever felt that writing is like wrestling a greased pig in the mud? I sure have... After acing all my math classes (yeah, humble brag 😉), I hit a wall with writing. It's not my thing. My writing courses in college? Let's just say it wasn't pretty...

And writing these newsletters wasn’t easy until I found this GPT

Introducing the Killer Email Copy GPT. It's like having a master writer, hidden up your sleeve!

Here’s the deal:

  • Transform drafts into gems: Just feed it your raw thoughts and watch it spin words like a seasoned pro.

  • Readers love it (I hope): The emails you’ve been enjoying? All spruced up by this AI wizard. Including this post you’re reading

So, here's my challenge to you: Grab that dusty draft or that blog or newsletter you've been putting off. Feed it to this AI maestro and watch the magic happen.

Could you've guessed that this is all rewritten by AI?

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2. MrBeast GPT

Ever wondered how the legendary MrBeast crafts his wildly viral content? Imagine tapping into that genius...

Introducing MrBeast GPT - your brainstorming sidekick, inspired by the master of engagement himself.

Here's the scoop:

  • 🧠 Brainstorm Like a Pro: Get a flood of creative, MrBeast-style ideas at your fingertips.

  • 📈 Skyrocket Engagement: Learn the secrets to hooks that grab and keep your audience's attention.

  • 🚀 Elevate Your Content: Even though you might not want to create Mr Beast-style content but the ideas spark creativity like nothing else

I gave it a whirl, and boy, was I blown away! The ideas it churned out were not just good; they were MrBeast-level awesome.

Here’s an example:

Output using ‘MrBeast GPT’

Ever wondered why some Reels and TikToks go viral while others fade into obscurity? The secret... is in the hook. I found a GPT which can help

Just imagine...

  • Typing in your video concept... and getting back a list of irresistible hooks tailored just for you.

  • Hooks crafted with precision, leveraging the power of AI to create a massive curiosity gap...

  • Each hook is ranked for maximum impact, based on proven principles of curiosity and FOMO... ensuring your content isn't just seen but remembered.

Why settle for average when you can dominate the social media landscape? Please remember me when you’re a viral sensation.

Here’s an example:

Output using ‘Reel Hook Generator’

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