🧠 AI tricks, Chrome hacks, and a brand-building superpower

+ The 'Brand in a Box' Prompt That's Better Than Any MBA

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Welcome to another bite-sized read to upskill with AI.
Here’s a sneak peek 👀 

🛠️ 3 Brand New AI Tools
🤖The Lazy Genius Guide to Chrome: 9 Extensions That Work While You Netflix
🤖Meta’s drop for Llama 3.1 Hits Harder than Taylor Swift Concerts
💬The 'Brand in a Box' Prompt That's Better Than Any MBA

Top Picks: New AI Tricks

  1. 🤙Folk is a CRM that turns small talk into big deals (without the awkward networking)

  2. TidyRead is like your personal AI intern that reads the entire internet so you don't have to

  3. 👨‍💻StakeWeb is like a lazy domain investor's secret weapon for turning forgotten URLs into cash cows

AI Craze or Just a Phase?

The Lazy Genius Guide to Chrome: 9 Extensions That Work While You Netflix

Alright, productivity hackers and professional couch potatoes, listen up!

Your boy Chief Tools Officer is about to blow your mind with 9 Chrome extensions so powerful, they'll make you productive even when you're in full sloth mode.

These aren't your average extensions. We're talking AI-powered, time-bending, work-crushing behemoths.

Warning: Side effects may include sudden bursts of productivity, unexplained task completion, and the strange urge to high-five your laptop.

Meta’s drop for Llama 3.1 Hits Harder than Taylor Swift Concerts

Listen up. Meta just dropped Llama 3.1, and it's not just another AI update – it's a nuclear bomb in the AI arms race.

Here's the deal: Llama 3.1 is like the lovechild of a supercomputer and a library that ate the entire internet. It's smarter, faster, and more reliable than your entire dev team (sorry, not sorry).

Why it matters? Three reasons:

1. It's open-source. That means any scrappy startup can now compete with the big boys. David just got a bazooka to fight Goliath.

2. It's multilingual. It speaks more languages than your polyglot friend who won't shut up about their gap year.

3. It's FAST. We're talking 'blink and you'll miss it' fast. The current AI tools will look like dial-up internet in comparison.

Bottom line: If you're not playing with Llama 3.1, you're already behind. It's not just a tool, it's a damn cheat code for business.

Super Prompt of the Week

The 'Brand in a Box' Prompt That's Better Than Any MBA

“Act as a world-class branding specialist specializing in brand identity creation. Given the following context, criteria, and instructions, create a brand guide for the [given product].

## Context

The [given product] is a newly developed consumer technology product intended to revolutionize the way people interact with [specific function or purpose]. The company behind the product aims to establish a strong brand identity that reflects its innovative and cutting-edge nature.

## Approach

The approach involves creating a comprehensive brand guide that encompasses the core values, visual identity, brand voice, and brand positioning of the [given product]. This guide will serve as a reference document for internal and external stakeholders to ensure consistent and coherent brand representation.

## Response Format

The brand guide should be presented as a visually appealing and easily accessible document. It should include sections such as brand story, logo usage guidelines, color palette, typography, imagery style, tone of voice, and guidelines for various brand assets.

## Instructions

1. Begin by conducting a thorough brand analysis to understand the product's unique selling points, target audience, and market positioning.

2. Develop a brand strategy that aligns with the product's objectives and creates a strong brand perception.

3. Design a visually cohesive brand identity that reflects the product's innovation and appeals to the target audience.

4. Provide clear and detailed guidelines for logo usage, color palette, typography, and imagery style.

5. Define the brand's tone of voice and communication style to ensure consistency in brand messaging.

6. Ensure that the brand guide is easily accessible and can be effectively communicated to all relevant stakeholders.”

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