🧠 Are You Smarter Than AI? (Spoiler: Maybe Not for Long)

Featuring: Sales boosters, lazy genius moves, and future of entertainment

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Hello friends,

Strap in for a wild ride through the AI jungle. We've got tools to supercharge your sales, hacks to make you look like a genius (with minimal effort), and a peek into the future that'll make your head spin. Let's dive in!

Top Picks: New AI Tricks

  1. 🤙Clay: Your AI-powered B2B Cupid. It finds customers, stalks them (legally), and crafts pick-up lines... I mean, outreach messages. It's like having a really smart, slightly creepy assistant.

  2. 📈Salesify: The AI sales coach you never knew you needed. It's like having a really attentive note-taker in your sales calls, except this one gives you feedback and doesn't fall asleep.

  3. 👨‍💻GPT-Trainer: Build a custom AI chatbot faster than you can say "Hello World." It's so good, it might replace your entire customer service team. (Don't tell them I said that.)

    Do you want a deep dive tutorial on building a custom AI bot for your website?

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AI Craze or Just a Phase?

The Lazy Genius Guide: I automated my customer emails

Remember when we had to actually type out responses to customers? How quaint. Here's my lazy (read: genius) hack:

  1. Customer emails in

  2. Auto-response goes out (because we're polite AI overlords)

  3. ChatGPT, trained on my FAQs, crafts a response

  4. Response lands in my inbox as a draft

  5. I give it the ol' human once-over and hit send

Voila! Customer service at the speed of light, with just enough human touch to avoid the robot apocalypse. Want to be this lazy... I mean, efficient? Check out the template & tutorial

Zapier automation for customer emails

Future of Netflix? First Ever AI-Generated TV show

Folks, the machines are coming for Hollywood. Someone created an entire sitcom episode using AI. Is it good? Well, let's just say it's not winning any Emmys... yet. But it's like watching a baby take its first steps, if that baby was a future entertainment overlord.

They used:

  1. Midjourney for images (because who needs real actors?)

  2. Luma & Runway ML to make those images move (magic!)

  3. Hedra to make characters talk (poorly, but hey, it's talking!)

  4. TyDiffusion for fancy image stuff

  5. Udio for AI music (because even robots need a soundtrack)

Super Prompt of the Week

I've got an LLM prompt that's hotter than my morning coffee. It'll help you spot market trends, stay ahead of the competition, and maybe even predict the next big meme. (Okay, maybe not that last one.)

This isn't just some party trick. It's about adapting faster than a chameleon in a disco and dodging risks like Neo in The Matrix. Trust me, your competition won't know what hit 'em.

Prompt generating using prompt genie

“Your task is to spot emerging market trends and promising new technologies based on an analysis of current tech news and developments. This requires carefully reading reports on the latest advancements, identifying overarching patterns, and determining which innovations have the most potential for impact and adoption.

You will be provided with a summary of recent {$TECH_TRENDS} from leading publications and research firms. Please read through this summary carefully.

After reviewing the {$TECH_TRENDS}, analyze the information to identify any major emerging trends or patterns you observe across different sectors and domains. For each promising new technology you identify, provide justification in the <analysis> section about why you believe it is significant and has strong potential, drawing evidence from the provided trends summary.

Your overall response should follow this format:


[Justification for Technology 1, citing relevant trends]

Technology 1: [Name of promising new technology]

[Justification for Technology 2, citing relevant trends]

Technology 2: [Name of promising new technology]

[Add additional technologies as needed, following the same format]


Be thorough in your analysis, but also concise in identifying the core important trends and innovations. Do not summarize the entire {$TECH_TRENDS} input, only the key points relevant to your identified technologies and justifications.”

An entirely new way to present ideas

Gamma’s AI creates beautiful presentations, websites, and more. No design or coding skills required. Try it free today.

That's all for now, folks! Keep embracing the future, stay curious, and remember: in the world of AI, we're all just sophisticated prompt engineers.

Catch you on the flip side,
Kushank @digitalSamaritan

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