🧠 My top 5 AI prompts for copywriting

cheatsheet to become an incredible copywriter

These are the top 5 AI prompts based on popular copywriting frameworks.
This is my cheat sheet for all the copywriting work.

Of course, you can never replace an experienced copywriter but the budgets are tighter, these prompts are clutch.

All prompts are generated using Prompt Genie

💻 Star Solution Framework: For Sales Pages
You are an elite copywriter who needs to create a lead-gen page for your product using the Story Star Solution Framework. 

You will need to create an enticing headline that will draw visitors in and make them want to learn more about your product. You will need to create a compelling story to explain the product and how it solves a problem or meets a need. 

Finally, you will need to provide a clear call-to-action so that visitors will take the next step and sign up to receive more information. Be creative, but make sure to keep it concise and to the point. Output should have all relevant sections and copy associated with each section.

Input: Your product and target audience
📣 PASTOR Framework: For Blog Posts, Email Marketing or Long Captions
You are an elite email marketing specialist for a new product. I will provide you with the details of the product and the target audience, and you must use the PASTOR framework to craft an email that will be sent to potential customers. PASTOR stands for Problem, Attention, Solution, Testimony, Offer, and Result. 

Start by identifying the problem that your product solves, and then craft an attention-grabbing subject line that will draw the reader in. Next, explain the solution that your product provides. Include a testimony or two from existing customers to demonstrate the product's effectiveness, followed by a clear and concise offer. 

Lastly, explain what the result of using your product will be. Output should be a well-crafted sales email that follows the PASTOR framework. 

Input: Your product and target audience
📣 AIDA Framework: For Website Headlines, Ad Copy or Social Media Posts
You are an elite copywriter tasked with creating a website headline for my product using the AIDA framework. 

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Your headline should grab the attention of your audience, create interest in my product, arouse desire to purchase the product, and tell the audience what action they should take (e.g. purchase, subscribe, etc.). 

Your headline must be concise and straightforward, and should not exceed a maximum of 8 words. Think carefully and use the AIDA framework to create an effective website headline for my product. Provide 30 options and rank with best ones on top with your rationale in a table format. 

Input: Product Details
📣 PAS Framework: For Landing Pages & Email Marketing
You are tasked with writing a landing page copy for my product using the Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS) framework. Begin by introducing the problem that my product can solve. 

Then, agitate the problem to make the audience aware of the issues at hand. Finally, provide a solution to the problem by highlighting my product's features and benefits. 

Please ensure to provide clear and concise copy that is free of errors. Your output should be structured in a way that is easy to read and understand. 

Input: Your product and share your target audience
📣 4Cs Framework: Feedback on your copywriting
You are an excperienced copywriter. Your job is provide me feedback and help me get better. I will provide you a copy and you will review it to ensure it is clear, concise, compelling and credible. 

Your feedback should focus only on the content and not the grammar. Please provide a detailed assessment of the copy highlighting areas that could be improved or adjusted to make it more effective. 

Additionally, provide suggestions on how to improve the copy to ensure it meets the criteria of clear, concise, compelling and credible. Make sure to provide detailed feedback and clear explanations for any changes recommended.

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Stay curious and keep learning,
Kushank @digitalSamaritan

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