🧠 My 4-Step Plan to Paying off My Car ‘Passively’

with this Free Newsletter

Hey friends,

This is just a one-off post because I have something to share.

So this newsletter is free, right? But I am setting up a 1-year challenge to pay off my car with this free newsletter. I have about 4k subs right now and just over $1k in revenue through boosts and ad network by Beehiiv

And today I am sharing my playbook on how I plan on doing it just to keep myself accountable.

If you’ve ever thought about a newsletter side hustle, you’ll find this guide immensely valuable

4-Step Plan to Paying off My Car ‘Passively’ with this Free Newsletter 

(Make sure you check those examples and deep dives in links, that’s the real content) 

My newsletter platform - Beehiiv (easy to use and in-app sponsors and boost program for monetization)

1. Choosing a Topic

Choosing a topic for your newsletter. You can’t succeed until I nail it down. Here’s a quick workbook to get started.  

  • Identify Your Passion: Choose a subject you are genuinely interested in. Passion will drive your content and make it engaging for your readers.

  • Assess Market Demand: Ensure there's a sizable audience interested in your chosen topic. Use tools like Google Trends and social media insights to gauge interest. 

  • Evaluate Monetization Potential: Make sure your niche has monetization opportunities. Consider if there are potential sponsors, affiliate products, or a market for paid subscriptions (if you ever want to explore a paid version) Beehiiv will bring sponsors without the outreach. You can monetize through the Boost program

  • Look for Gaps in Content: Find underrepresented areas in your niche or where you can provide unique insights. This will help you stand out.

  • Start Broad, Then Narrow Down: Begin with a broad category and refine it. For example, if you're interested in health, you might narrow it down to holistic health for busy professionals.

Example: Tech Breakfast Club : For Founders, Investors, and Operators who enjoy Breakfast. (Now that is a niche and niches make the riches) 

Pro Tip -> In your welcome email, ask your readers to reply with 1 problem they want to solve. Read all the responses and it will help you narrow down your focus and give more content ideas ;) 

Another Pro Tip -> This is a deep dive on how to hook subscribers with killer onboarding strategy 

2. Positioning and How to Structure the Content

Positioning and structuring your newsletter content effectively is crucial for reader engagement.

  • Compelling Subject Line: Keep it short and captivating, ideally eight words or less.

Pro Tip: Use examples from your favourite writers, add to chatGPT/Claude and ask AI to be your brainstorming partner on ideas for your own newsletter 

  • Eye-Catching Header: Start with a striking graphic or header to grab attention.

  • Top Story First: Lead with a relevant and engaging story.

  • Value-Driven Content: Include best practices, listicles, popular videos, case studies, promotions, webinar invites, and industry news.

  • Engaging Introduction: Use a fun and interactive welcome email to build a bond with new subscribers.

  • Concise Format: Break content into short paragraphs, use visuals, and place key information at the beginning or end.

  • Personal Touch: End with a personal closing to leave a lasting impression.

  • Use Templates: Utilize beehiiv’s templates for a professional look and easy customization or hire a designer (once there is revenue) 

These are a lot of words, just look at what Big Desk Energy is doing and be inspired. 

Resources: Hubspot has this 100+ page guide on how to build 7-fig newsletter business. If ever feel stuck, just go read this 

3. Monetization

Monetizing your newsletter can turn your passion into a profitable venture. Here are some effective strategies using beehiiv:

  • Subscription-Based Model: Offer premium content for paying subscribers. Provide exclusive perks to incentivize subscriptions. (not the priority atm) 

  • Sponsorships and Advertising: Use beehiiv's Ad Network to feature sponsorships from recognizable brands and startups in your industry.

  • beehiiv Partner Program: Integrate affiliate links into your newsletter. Earn 50% of referred revenue for the first 12 months. (like sharing this research doc) 

  • Sell Products or Services: Promote your own digital or physical products. The Hustle earned over $50,000 selling branded merchandise. (brainstorm after 50k subs) 

  • beehiiv Boosts: Earn money by recommending other newsletters to your subscribers.

Example: My friend Jen from Vegan Tech Nomad (read about how she made 16k in less than 4 months here

You just have to write your newsletter and beehiiv will monetize it for you so focus on the content 

4. Scaling

Once you’re happy with the topic, design and some revenue is coming in, read this to scale things up!  

  1. Leverage Incentives: Use referral programs to encourage subscribers to share your content. Beehiiv has this built in so third party app required 

  2. Partner with Similar Creators: Collaborate with others to expand your reach.

  3. Build a Writing Habit: Write consistently to improve and maintain quality.

  4. Repurpose Your Content: Use your content across multiple platforms.

  5. Create Win/Win Environments: Engage with your audience and encourage feedback.

  6. Pay to Play: Invest in advertising to accelerate growth. 

Here’s a deep dive into how to use growth loops to create social flywheels 

Example: The Brink (read how they hit 14k subscribers 1 month after launching here)

Do you think I can make it happen?

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Stay curious and keep learning,
Kushank @digitalSamaritan

*This is a sponsored listing.
**This post may contain some affiliate links. If you purchase through one of these links, we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend selected products and services


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